The damage doesn’t just end there of course, and much like their Runemaster and Warlock cousins they can scale up quite considerably in the late game, but it’s worth noting that they’re not entirely a one track class. The focus when initially playing this class is in the Star and Binary attacks, all of which can be used to great effect to deal tremendous damage to groups of enemies, but as the class fills out the focus shifts to the Prophecy skills, which offer the opportunity to completely nullify elemental attacks. Well, at first glance at least, because it turns out that the class itself actually has quite a few defensive options, though they naturally take a back seat to the big numbers. Sitting in stark opposition to the Protector, the Zodiac class is all about dealing damage to your opponents – elemental damage to be specific.

Fantastic passives that buff the Medic’s defences – Phys Def Up, Elem Def Up and HP Up.Healing Wall is a nice passive heal when defending, and whilst it won’t break any records for amount healed it’s worth remembering that it’s free.These include Front/Rear Guard and the Elemental defensive buffs. Excellent defensive buffs ideally used when healing isn’t required, like the first round.Further point investment will also grant you the Fire/Ice/Volt Wall buffs, which will help tremendously against some nasty boss attacks, and this can all be capped off by some fantastic Protector passives like Phys Def Up, Elem Def Up and even HP Up. Front Guard and Rear Guard are simple but effective physical defence buffs to either line, and Healing Wall is a nice passive way of getting heals, though it is worth noting that this does not scale with your WIS stat. In this case, we’re using the Protector skill set to fill those gaps with defensive buffs. So why does this work well with the Medic then? Well, by dote of not really being entirely active unless healing is required, the Medic is capable of doing things between rounds. Akin to the Medic, it’s certainly possible to get some reasonable damage out of the class, but it’s numbers will never approach the likes of an Imperial or Gunner, rather adding some simple damage flavour in turns when it’s defensive skills are not required. It too is an unashamedly simple class, with almost all of it’s skills leaning towards the ‘tank’ role, with little room for offensive options. By using it’s shield skills, party buffs and taunts it’s able to protect the entire team either through attack redirection or damage reduction. The Protector class itself is the prime choice for a singular tank in the Nexus party. This is probably one of the most obvious Subclass choices for the Medic, but it’s worth expanding on exactly what the Protector does before we get into it. How then, can we go about improving this? If you’ve managed to push your way through to the point of unlocking Subclassing then you’ve already seen everything the Medic is capable of, so what exactly are the best ways to expand their repertoire?

This isn’t a bad thing of course, because despite what you might hear on the most elite of Etrian forums the class is actually very useful, but in a game such as Nexus it can leave the player wanting a little more, especially when classes such as Sovereign and Arcanist can do the job of healing the party almost as well. It’s a job that they do tremendously well, better than any other class we’d argue, and whilst this doesn’t preclude them from dealing some reasonable amounts of damage when possible, they’re very single minded in nature.

Their role is to keep the party health topped up, remove ailments and generally make life as easy as possible for the remaining team members.
#Medic etrian odyssey full
Yes, the fifth entry in the series decided to go a different route with the Shaman and Botanist, but in essence the same archetype always exists in an Etrian Odyssey game: The full healer. No matter the Etrian title, the Medic type of class exists.